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Home / Advocacy


What is advocacy?

Anyone who speaks for another is an advocate. PTA is an advocate for children and their families on a wide variety of child-related issues in the areas of education, health and well being, and parent involvement. The purpose of advocacy is to communicate to decision makers to inform, educate, persuade or increase the level of awareness about an issue. Decision makers include elected and appointed officials, legislative bodies, school boards, SBDM Councils, and judges.
Every PTA member can be an effective advocate:

Keep informed about the issues.
Choose issues important to your membership.
Build support of members for your cause.
Learn to work together.
Recruit new members.
Take risks.
Retain your commitment to change.

How are PTA positions developed?

All PTA positions are derived from voted positions. The Kentucky PTA Legislative Platform and resolutions are approved each year by delegates at the state convention. All legislation supported or opposed by the Kentucky PTA is based on the voted positions of the Kentucky and National PTA.

PTA: A Voice for All Children and Youth

Children can’t vote. Lawmakers, whether they serve in state legislatures or the U.S. Congress, listen to voting blocks. Because children can not vote and are therefore not heard, PTAs across the country exist as their voice. Whether they are trying to ensure children are immunized against disease, have access to a quality education, or protected against school violence, PTA members make themselves heard – everychild.onevoice.

Join the Fight for Children

Add your name to the KY PTA legislative contact list below!